Wednesday, August 25, 2010

A time to plant and a time to uproot...

It's time.  
We have been preparing for something, not exactly sure what, but something for quite awhile now.  About 2.5 years ago we decided to exhaust our energies and look into moving overseas.  After all, how many folks say they want to live abroad and never even pursue it!  Never wanting to live our life with regret (cliche', I know), we started to investigate our possibilities and after a LONG waiting game...we have been offered a position to work for the Department of Defense! Becca is going to be teaching Kindergarten in Daegu, Korea.  Jake...well...we don't know yet what he'll do but if you know Jake you know that's not anything to be concerned about.  He's quite the gypsy husband. We are okay to figure it out as we go!  So, now is our time to uproot.  We have been so blessed being rooted in loving families and awesome friendships.  We don't plan on any of those relationship going anywhere!  We are excited to entertain whenever we have visitors and are so anxious to try communication efforts such as Skype.  We really are pretty fortunate that we have technology like Skype that makes the millions of miles not seem so ocean-spread!  Though I'm rather a techno-tard...we're gonna figure it out! 

So for now...we are Korea bound! We are really excited to get to experience this culture and have had so many people come out of the woodwork and tell us their experiences with Korea.  All of them have been so amazing!  We are told the Korean people are the most kind hearted in the world and the food is amazing (We are daring but not stupid...when we heard this our stomachs let out a blurt of relief!). Those two factors right there make us feel at home!  It is quite interesting how when you want to learn about something, like another countries culture, you begin to have a vast respect and love for their history.  When we first got the interview, I had to google where Korea was! No clue.  I have a feeling the world is about to open up greatly for us!  

It's time...

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