Thursday, November 18, 2010

Silly Signs

We find silly signs everywhere we look but forget to capture a lot of them with the camera. 
 I thought I'd just post them as we go.  They make us giggle. 
The three food groups of Korea: Coffee, Beer and Rice 

Maybe elsewhere I wouldn't denote "People Chicken" as a concern, but in Korea...?

Pictures can save lives.
I guess it really is everywhere! 
Our realtor joked the picture on the left means 
"No High Fives" 
Yep.  Sure did.

This is an advertisement for a daycare.
Please note the devil horns coming out of sweet Susie....
The office supply store

1 comment:

  1. you can see funny signs everywhere in Korea, in Japan too.

    specially ,signs wrote in English

    it does not make sense.
