Saturday, January 1, 2011

China-mas: Part 3

What do you notice about this picture?  We asked a local why we saw so many little ones with slits down their bottoms and apparently that is how they potty train!  It seems too cold for one's bum to be exposed like that...not to mention- gross.

Outside the Beijing Zoo
We went to visit the Panada bears!! They were very adorable but I have to admit, all of us felt the need to set them back in the wild! Their little eyes just looked very sad and like they needed me to taken them home! I'm sure my pups would love a bear to join them in our backyard...

Jake was starting to get sick but he trooped through the week! 

Visiting the Temple of Heaven!  I think my favorite part was the park surrounding the temple where locals come and sing, play games, practice their instruments and dance!  It was a great look at the cultures arts! 

 Locals playing games

Locals practicing their singing as a choir 

 These ribbon dancers would make Will Ferrel proud

My favorite 'act'.  Two elderly men. One singing completely off key and one playing some kind of handmade stringed instrument. 

 Crossing over the highway bridge giving a little Korean shout out. 

 At the Pearl Market! 

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